Sad my team fall apart and we haven't made it, but few of us tried to make some pictures of locations, that we wanted to use for a film. (MORE AVAILABLE)

>>>It Means No Worries<<<
"You started with the character, didn’t you?
I did. The character came from a cassette player I have at home. I’d been thinking, “This looks like a little person, and it looks a bit sad”. It was a bit old and it didn’t really work very well. I pitched a completely different story to the class, which no one responded to, and then I just had this little drawing of the cassette head on this little body and I’d written: “This person is lost. This person has trouble communicating”. And that was it.
The class went, “Oh, that’s good. Someone who uses tapes to communicate”. So I swung it round and went with that."
Branding thourgh game:
The largest part of this project - ident recognision has been made through looking at playful and "young" side of it. Making a sticker, I haven't consider to much time on the design, as I wanted it to be just E4 logo, so viewers wouldn't have any doubt it's talking about E4 channel ( later on than it be more common it could be changed). So E4 sticker is nothing more just a number - E4 symbol. But the idea behind is a TV game: played during easter, xmas , valentines day etc.
Imagine you simple go to the news shop to get ur TV magazine. Inside you find E4 sticker. Little instructions tells you that's a game for all familly, you have to stick your E4 sticker on the house window, so it would be visible from a street and register online or by phone with your address. Leave the rest for your fortune. Than TV people would pick up the city to visit. To pick the house no.(only ones got E4 sticker on window and registered) they could ask to do that for kids in the street. They go see people living in this address and give them prizes: ( TV,DVD player etc). Simon and other people thought it be nice idea that the wining prize would hide in fortune teller. So they choose the colour, number and find out what is the prize.
This game unifes all my parts of the project together. Maybe in the future it be good idea to change the design of a sticker, maybe have E4 inside the heart (for Valentines day) or smth like that. For the first time I wanted it be clear and recognisible symbol - so it won't be no doubt it's E4 channel we talking about- great, young generous, funny etc.
The idea for a flyer came up from a pop up map, my mum brought back from some journey than I was just a little girl, I used to like playing with it, strange enough, not like other toys I’ve destroyed I’ve saved it till this day. lol
Anyway, what I was thinking about is “survival”. Try to make this flyer to survive as long as possible. Using pop up technique might a bit more expensive, but the effect is much stronger, as people like hand made things, they more personal and more funny.
It’s more chance people would keep it instead of just cast aside.
Trying my flyer to become survival, I tried to find a subtle way to trying to get the flyer more personal and more interactive with audience.
From here my flyer became message/flyer. On front you it is a message with empty space where person have to write it’s own choice of what program he would like to watch. Inside, it’s E4 logo with the time. It’s made from three parts:
So you gave a message/flyer that you can leave in the pubs, shops, or just give to the person you are fancy.
“And the audience subconsciously “reads” these messages which can sometimes override explicit messages in text and images.*
>>The design
“Visual language is what the “heart” “read” after the mind has become quiet.” *
Before I start designing my flyer, I’ve looked for some books about basic design principles. It’s two I really liked as one of them describes the main points of visual language and other one also talks about technical issues of print design.**
*P.Bonnici.1998.Visual language the hidden medium of communication.
Talks about visual language between colour, shape, text. It was useful of making a poster, as it helped to understand how to communicate with the audience better.
While making sketches for my flyer design and try to think of the interesting one, got too thirsty and went to a fridge get some drink, there my design has born. It was little fridge magnets…that got my attention! Quickly made some note and stuck it on the fridge so I could make a photo to imagine how it would like on a flyer – and I really liked the result.
I thought instead of normal magnets will use e4 magnet.
As it’s a message flyer – I think note on the fridge with e4 magnet would suit well.
The font I used was mistral regular. I wanted a hand writing effect as you still suppose to add your own writing so it would mach better.
Colour – mainly purple for background, used as identifying marker.
Problems and improvement:
I don’t think it was my mistake as after reprinted it again the background colour was purple as it should be, but little e4’s were still invisible.
Feedback. The people I’ve showed it to says it does grab the attention and evoking emotional message. My friends from
Appendix . Approximately one in twelve people may not be able to use your web site properly due to some form of color blindness. At best, your site won't look to a color blind person as you designed it, at worst, this could mean that text is unreadable, navigation unusable and elements are invisible.
Style and layout.I've tried keep the page structure simple and neat. I used sub-heading with heading to separate sections of test. Highlight important words. Used pale background with dark test, avoid colours that would be difficult to see for colour blind people.
As to read on the screen is much more harder than on paper, i make the sentences of the page are short so it‘s easier to read, avoid capitals and italics. I think navigation of the page is also pretty straight forward,more important things are kept higher of the page, so the visitors can locate things quicker.The top of the left i put the company logo, which is E4, I didn‘t add any text no more, but make ornamental background, so it make E4 look more playful and add some dynamic to the page. And also it separates the top links from a main body.I left maximum space for a content. I've tried make a balanced between content and design.
Software. Adobe Illustrator and Dreamweaver.
I've tried to use freehand at first, but somehow i didn't click with it, even after trying some lessons, so I tried illustrator and it qiock became my "good friend":)
As you can see it has been made using the same stop motion technique [see appendix], as for first animation, by thinking it will gane me more expierence and better understanding. This time it went much smoother and quicker, as I avoid the same mistakes and descover some more useful tools. e.g. for cutting bit of the picture it's much faster and simpler with magnetic lasso tool instead of magic wind (that i used for first animation).
It was quite useful,constantly check how the animation visually looks on image ready and if it needs any changing before getting to far,while making a background in Photoshop,
Stop motion (pop. frame-by-frame) is a generic general term for an animation technique which makes static objects appear to move. The object is moved by very small amounts between individual frames, producing the effect of motion when the film is played back, as in conventional drawn and painted animation.
Some of the people mentioned that artistic style of my animations looks simillar to late ones MTV stings. I have tried to look for some example, but wasn't succssesful.It would be quite interesting to find it and to compare it.
Simon mentioned that i should try to work with the music and try to expand E4 music logo at the end of animation, to add stronger accent for it an the music. ( it means more work for me)
E4 sting evolution
>> Loads of "white nights" with loads of thought in the head, that 80% disappears forever in the morning
>> Constant interrogation of friends about ideas
>> Sketches everywhere i go in my minds, public toilets lol ( not really )
.....LOoooooooNG THINKING...THINKING...thinking...thinkinininig...
I've never took so many pictures of the hands in my entire life.
Was much harder than I thought. As to perform 24 frame action per 1sec using photo camera was impossible. Finally 12 f/sec was a solution. So Big Thank you for Ian Sanders help in taking pic. and Andrew Love for amazing 10 MEGA PIXEL camera- yahooo!!! Even I took a mln of pictures for my animation (as I never was satisfied with a ones i took before), i left only with 72, (12f/s). So i had a real good practise using this fantastic camera:) Sure later I found out I could go easier way, just film the opening hands action and import it in Adobe after Effects as stills, remove the ones i don't need to create the "chop" effect on animation to make it look more abstract and surreal. Well, we all learning, finally I still got the same effect .
It's a first short test of the idea. The music has been made myself on Ejay dance 3. I like the effect of calm "growing" atmosphere on it, but i'm not sure if it's a right one to use. So I'm gonna get some more versions of Ejay, hopefully it will have more options of the sounds I could use to create the right tone.
Ok, here is an animation made . The process:
I had to change the background as I didn't have the copyrights for rose image. I'm not really good in drawing so I just played around with it in the photoshop, using different effects.Finally I stoped with a liquify effect as Ifound it easy to play around and, also I could changed it every frame so than playing back it looked like it's moving. Hopefully it is still possible get the idea that's it a flower. The colours are related to the main color at the E4 channel at the moment -purple, also made it look more retro style. The communication between animation and audience is quite clear, as it send various messages:giving (then e4 releases from a hands), keeping,teasing...
Trying diferent effects for background:
The shorter version of animation was made for idea of using it for more expensier time of the day and longer version for cheaper time of day on tv, in terms of saving money.
My E4 Package includes:
* 2 x E sting Video clip
animation for E4 music
animation for E4
* 2 x Flyers
* 1 x Sticker
* 1 x Website
* E4 sting animation using stop motion
* It’s no character or story involved
* Very abstract
* E4 + Hands + National English Flower
* Hands – keep it, love it watch it
* Rose – UK made programmes,
* Represents changes of e4 channel
* Logo stays the same
Considering the lack of knowledge in given project, all seemed so new and confusing; research was a “life-saver” in this situation. It helped to gain better understanding and feel more comfortable with the start of the project. To make it easier the research was breaking down in to parts:
* Jerry W. Thomas., 2007. Advertising Effectiveness By Jerry W. Thomas. [Online].
Available from:
http://www.decisionanalyst.com/publ_art/AdEffectiveness.asp [cited
Another good source of ident work for TV channels can be found at: http://idents.tv/blog/
E4 channel present:
BBC-1 + globe.
ITV+yellow and blue box
E4 +E4=The E4 has everything a symbol needs.
Simple, but effective
‘70s looks fresh and suits the channel
Clear logo-you get what you see
Logo identifies the station
Different-grab attention
- The jumping E4s coming out of sardine cans and mechanical sliding bars
- The break bumpers
- The continuity is part of the enjoyment and not just something between the programmes or an opportunity to flaunt corporate identity as continuity these days so often is.
Everything E4 does shouts at you “E4” and it shouts it loud
"Nowhere else on digital TV will you see a font quite like the one E4 use, and the purple and white cements the station so that you are absolutely certain who you’re dealing with." James Pittman
E4 doesn’t have clocks.
It doesn’t have start-ups.
There are no in-vision announcers sat behind a desk with a suit, tie and a bowl of petunias.
Nothing is serious , feel of comedy
E4 stands out from a crowd of the ingredients of great presentation.
2005 E4 refresh their look. Here is how did they changed. Precursor (a design company) have refreshed E4's on air information delivery package.