The idea for a flyer came up from a pop up map, my mum brought back from some journey than I was just a little girl, I used to like playing with it, strange enough, not like other toys I’ve destroyed I’ve saved it till this day. lol
Anyway, what I was thinking about is “survival”. Try to make this flyer to survive as long as possible. Using pop up technique might a bit more expensive, but the effect is much stronger, as people like hand made things, they more personal and more funny.
It’s more chance people would keep it instead of just cast aside.
Trying my flyer to become survival, I tried to find a subtle way to trying to get the flyer more personal and more interactive with audience.
From here my flyer became message/flyer. On front you it is a message with empty space where person have to write it’s own choice of what program he would like to watch. Inside, it’s E4 logo with the time. It’s made from three parts:
- Make curious -> “Let’s watch …..”
- “Make an appointment” -> “on E4 --:--h” (also introduce channel.)
- Get a reply "Yes or NO"
So you gave a message/flyer that you can leave in the pubs, shops, or just give to the person you are fancy.
“And the audience subconsciously “reads” these messages which can sometimes override explicit messages in text and images.*
>>The design
“Visual language is what the “heart” “read” after the mind has become quiet.” *
Before I start designing my flyer, I’ve looked for some books about basic design principles. It’s two I really liked as one of them describes the main points of visual language and other one also talks about technical issues of print design.**
*P.Bonnici.1998.Visual language the hidden medium of communication.
Talks about visual language between colour, shape, text. It was useful of making a poster, as it helped to understand how to communicate with the audience better.
While making sketches for my flyer design and try to think of the interesting one, got too thirsty and went to a fridge get some drink, there my design has born. It was little fridge magnets…that got my attention! Quickly made some note and stuck it on the fridge so I could make a photo to imagine how it would like on a flyer – and I really liked the result.
I thought instead of normal magnets will use e4 magnet.
As it’s a message flyer – I think note on the fridge with e4 magnet would suit well.
The font I used was mistral regular. I wanted a hand writing effect as you still suppose to add your own writing so it would mach better.

Colour – mainly purple for background, used as identifying marker.

Click here to find out how to make it to a flyer.
Problems and improvement:
- Because of my poor knowledge about illustrator it was hard to make a paper look like read note.
- The background was purple with little e4 symbols, unfortunately after printing it was hardly able to see little e4 and the colour from purple changed to pink.
I don’t think it was my mistake as after reprinted it again the background colour was purple as it should be, but little e4’s were still invisible.
- I was a bit struggling with a message on the note, first I thought about “ will you watch … with me?” but after some consultations I’ve been told that it might be to personal, so I changed it “ Let’s watch…!” , now I think it might would sound better “Let’s watch…..together!”.
Feedback. The people I’ve showed it to says it does grab the attention and evoking emotional message. My friends from
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