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Dr. Harold Shipman (Freddy) -->The doctor of life death. One of the “greatest” murderer the world has ever known. Nearly 400 hundred murders…
• Task
To make a documentary with live performance based on research and location that relates in some ways to that person.
• Evolution
While researching doctor’s biography, his life style, the idea was to find the answer why he became the Doctor of death not life. The reason why he killed it’s difficult to discover as his killing style was different of usual serial killers, who like to toy with their victims. There were no signs of violence of Harold's victims; they all seem died peacefully and at home (safe surroundings). One of the thoughts was that he was re-creating his mother’s death scene (he was very close to her)as she was suffering of cancer and doctor injected her withmorphie on her death day (the same method Harold used to kill most of his victims). All of his victims most was older women, maybe he killed them as he did not wanted them to suffer the same pain as his mother did.There are so many thougts of why he start killing.
We've decided to make a performance in old people house. (As all of his victims were older people)We planned to set up a live discussion show. Through discussions trying to find answers to these questions: how did this prolific serial killer go undetected for so long? Who made him monster he became? Also projecting images realted to Harold’s life and the places he spent most of his time during the show. Unfortunately, as our team didn’t play well, we had to cancel our plans. Bellow is the script me and Ian Sanders wrote that shoud be used in the show:
Stuff marked with *Stars* is still undecided and may need further thought.
Problems I have run into : Finding it hard to develop characters ‘Personalities’ , they need to be more unique from each other.
The sentences are huge, going to be very hard to remember.
TV SHOW (discussion)
TV presenter: *name of Seth* (walks in)
“-Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming for today’s live show. I hope you will enjoy it. As the topic of our show today is not about cooking (pause)-sorry ladies-or racing cars (pause)-gentlemen (look very sorry). I ask you to concentrate and keep focus as today’s topic is about murders, to be more specific about serial killers (pause)(tone up) Dr Harold Shipman, known as Freddy (hold hand up and wiggle fingers), one of the *greatest* murderer the world has ever known.(pause) (continue)
-Nearly 400 murders, it puts him well ahead of modern history’s most prolific serial killer to date-Pedro (“monster of Andes”) Lopez. Convicted of 57 murders in 1980, Lopez killed 300 young girls in Columbia.
25 years of silent murders. So how did this prolific serial killer go undetected for so long? Who made him monster he became? Today we will try to find out if these questions can be answered, the questions that lie in story that began in earnest over fifty years ago. To help find answers I also invited:
Mr James Morgan, the chief of police for the Nottingham area… maybe his years of experience going up against dangerous criminals can shed some light on the criminal mind of Dr Shipman. (Mr Morgan Waves)
I would also like to introduce another special guest, Dr Paul Sinfield who is a respected authority in Psychology. (Paul says ‘Glad to be here *Seth*’)
‘Today’s topic involves exploring the motivations and reason for such a respected person to become a doctor of death. Let us start off by asking our good chief of police to give his views’
Mr Morgan
‘Well there could be many reasons, but I would blame it on his past drug addiction… I see it all the times on the street, some kid gets involved in drugs, fries his brain and then we gotta clean up the mess… then our budget gets cut * blah blah – make up some line, he’s trying to get extra funding… blah blah * -
Seth interrupts!
‘Ok, I think we have gone off the point….’
Paul interrupts
Those funds could be going to another cause, like finding out what makes offender become criminals and stopping them before they get started…
*Morgan interrupts, Paul interrupts … Seth is forced to calm down situation *
Ok now that we have that issue out of the way, let’s go back to the matter at hand. The question is ,Why?
Mr Morgan
I’m not no fancy doctor but I think some people are just born to be bad. I mean just look at *Gary glitter* or Tony Blair.
Very interesting, what are your views Paul
Well some evidence points towards his mother being the cause, she slowly perished from lung cancer in front of his eyes, she only found relief when the doctor administered morphine. He probably tried to recreate this point in his life as all his victims where overdosed with the same drug.
To understand the killer I think we should look towards his childhood.
Mr Morgan
From what I can tell about him by reviewing his reports, He was born in this very city, Nottingham.
*He was a loner and his teachers reported that he was not into being part of a team but excelled on the football field which was strange. He did not have many friends...*
…Due to the fact that his mother closely chose and monitored his social life.
It is very interesting that this conversation keeps coming back to his mother… please continue.
Mr Morgan
Reports indicate however that he began to open up more in medical school, maybe due to the fact he had to live away from home. He met his wife, Primrose and soon where married. He then joined a clinic in Yorkshire.
Really… Do you know if his colleges noticed anything strange?
Mr Morgan
Actually yes, they said his attitude was a little odd. He seemed to look down on his peers. But the main thing was when one doctor found strange entries in his prescription orders.
(Paul interrupts)
..Yes I remember reading about that, apparently he was writing out prescriptions in patience names and conveniently ‘picking’ them up and delivering them. The drug was called ‘Pethadine’ a morphine-like analgesic. He was challenged on this subject by his fellow doctors and later expelled from the practice.
But did‘nt he own his own practice later after a quick rehabilitation period?
Yes, Strangly enough he did. * Thats when it is believed he started his 23 year rampage * (Needs confirming via reasearch)
Wow, So how did he go undetected for so long?
Mr Morgan
Well, people tent to trust their doctors and none of the victims died in a violent fashion, also * Harold Shipman was always on the scene to pronounce death* he also wrote the final reports and ‘doctored’ them to cover it up.
So how he was eventually found out?
I believe it had something to do with a will, he had made a poor forgery and was caught out. It was as if he wanted to be stopped in the end. This is a common case with some serial killers; they feel invincible or just have a subconscious desire to be caught. He was a doctor; he could have used something untraceable instead of Morphine.
Mr Morgan
His computer was seized and his medical files on closer inspection had been changed to cover up his deeds, he mainly added afflictions to his patients that where completely untrue as family members testified. But in the end Justice was served.
Thank you for Justice and thank you for your thoughts you share here today Mr. Paul and Mr .Morgan
I would like to know what audience is thinking about all this- do you have anything to say? Or does anyone have some questions for our guest’s of studio? Anyone? (Waiting for audience reply)
Ladies and gentleman our time has run out and it’s time to say goodbye till next week. I hope you enjoyed our little show! Big thank you for your time and big thank you for the studio guest! Take care of yourself and watch out your doctors.
1 comment:
didnt realise you wrote a script.
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