Tuesday, February 19, 2008

<< Script for Odd Couple >> Character Study

The Odd Couple – Best Buddies

By Rimante

Int. Buddy’s flat. Morning

You can hear Buddy brushing his teeth, the phone rings and he goes to answer it. Half way through the conversation with his girlfriend he picks up the picture of her, looks at it and puts it back.


Morning hun, (pause) yes, I just woke up half an hour ago (pause) yes I had my breakfast, cleaned my plates, brushed my teeth and yes I remember we are meeting later on (pause) no, no, I won’t be late, promise (pause)… no, you know I’ve stopped it..(pause) How long? It’s been quite few days now...ok, hun see you soon. Kiss kiss

Hear the bang of door (Buddy left his flat). Shot of the calendar with red circled days.

Ext. Outside Café.

Buddy is sitting at the table drinking coffee and reading the news paper. He hears a voice.


Pssssssst, Hey Buddy, long time no talk, how are you doing?

Buddy looks at him for a moment, ignoring NICO he carries on reading his news paper.


It’s me Buddy, NICO, you haven’t forgot about me have you? (sarcastic)

Buddy reading his newspaper


I’m trying..


That’s not really nice, is this how you greet your old friends??? Anyway, I forgive you, as I missed you so much, really, no lies. You know I was thinking what if we do something cool tonight together. What you say?


No, thanks


Come on, don’t be a chicken, Just me and you, like in good old times.

NICO looks at Buddy. Buddy nervously moves a newspaper away.


Just leave me alone


Leave you alone??? Leave you alone???!!! After all we been through together???

NICO comes closer to Buddy.


Don’t you remember what a great time we used to have together??? Night clubs (pause), Drinking (pause), Walking home together singing (pause) sleeping till the next day launch time.

Buddy smacks Nico on the head with a folded news paper


STOP IT! Those days are over, I’m changing my life now for the better..

NICO is rubbing his head.


You changing it?!! HA HA I think it’s that bird you are dating recently is changing it for you. You are like her puppy now: (Imitating girls voice) Buddy, do this, don’t do that. Buddy you naughty boy!.. She is not for you anyway…Where is my Buddy I used to know?

Buddy stands up.


What do you know?!! Just leave me alone..

Buddy leaves NICO at the table and walks away


Sure, just walk away..

NICO’s eyes follow Buddy walking away.

EXT. Street.

Buddy is walking along the street. Looking down to the ground. The day darkens. He is thinking about NICO and his girlfriend. He hears their voices in his head… Suddenly he sees someone (NICO) and his face lights up. He smiles. Walks towards him. Phone rings.


Buddy!!! I can’t believe you. I just saw you on the street walking with that filthy thing again. Gave up already?? You are in big trouble mister. You have to explain yourself. Are you listening to me?

Hello? Hello?

Buddy hangs up. Beep Beep..

Ext. Cafe.


You are back, Buddy!

Character Study.

Buddy, is a 23 year old young man, who grew up in a children’s house. His parents refused to keep him, so than he reached 14 he decided he never going try to find them either. The only person who used to come to visit him was his grandmother, but she was to ill to look after him. As a kid Buddy was closed and quite kid, he didn’t have many friends, the only friends were his books. He loved reading and he still does. The other kids used to laugh from him and call him freak. Than he reached 15 he moved to live with his grandma in small flat at the city centre. He was a good kid and used to help her a lot in house work till he met some other kids, who thought they are cool by drinking, smoking, sometimes stealing. Soon Buddy got involved in the game and became one of them: start smoking, drinking, stealing, wouldn’t come back home for few days. He forgot about his books. He used to spend more time in the street than in the house.

Than his grandma got very ill and died, she did left a flat for Buddy to take care of. Suddenly Buddy realised the value of life and decided to change. He left all his street friends, start reading again, found job as a pizza delivery boy, he found a new girl, the only habit he couldn’t stop was smoking, he loved smoking.

Girlfriend, 22 year old girl, came from a very delicate family; she does sports and is very organised person. She can’t stand any filthy habits. She is a nice person, but a bit to controlling and irritating. Everything is good if it goes all her way.

NICO, is an imaginary cigarette, a friend of buddy’s that really represents Buddy’s thoughts. It looks like a cigarette, a rough looking cigarette; it got hands, eyes and big yellow teeth. NICO is cheeky, smart, very lazy, he loves easy life and loads of parties. Nico is like other side of Buddy, that sometimes is not that great, as it’s irresponsible and mischievous.

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