Friday, April 27, 2007


My first 3d animation, really enjoyed making my name jump, i believe without the notes it would have taken me much longer , because most of the tools aren't familiar to the most programs I've used and it so many of them:( it's sad, cause the quality of uploaded video is poor and half of effect is missing, it looks much better on the windows media player, but still i'm so POM = Proud Of Myself , lol.

Motiono by chocopillow

wow - this one took even longer-drived me mad in some moments, but i fight till the I love octopus, but somehow this one looks like his bum is burning as he swims so fast, but i like it i gave him a name , "hysterical up"

Motiono by chocopillow

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Creating My no1. web

Main thoughts:

  • Accessibility
Design a site to work for everyone."The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect."
-- Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director and inventor of the World Wide Web
  • Style and Layout
  • Information ( held in html file)
  • Software

Web Design samples-------

My 1st
try in photoshop

(click to make it larger)

My 2nd try in Photoshop.

Simon advise me to use
FreeHand or
Adobe Illustrator,
for a quality purpose.

>> Work In Illustrator <<

Black and white test to make sure is still look ok.

Accessibility. Make sure it is usable on the main browser flavors and versions
  • I've checked the colours to make sure it would look alright for colour blinded people.[see appendix]
    • (make black and white) the design to see if it still makes sense
    • haven't used more than 4 colours.
    • used lighter font colour on darker background
    • Ease of use = return visitors
    • Make it small, so it download quick enough
Protanopia test Deaternopia test

Appendix . Approximately one in twelve people may not be able to use your web site properly due to some form of color blindness. At best, your site won't look to a color blind person as you designed it, at worst, this could mean that text is unreadable, navigation unusable and elements are invisible.

  • Most color blind people can't distinguish between shades of red and green
  • Shades of these colors appear lighter to color blind people
  • The most common forms of color blindness are:
    • Protanopia ­ unable to receive red, and
    • Deuteranopia ­ unable to receive green

Style and layout.I've tried keep the page structure simple and neat. I used sub-heading with heading to separate sections of test. Highlight important words. Used pale background with dark test, avoid colours that would be difficult to see for colour blind people.

As to read on the screen is much more harder than on paper, i make the sentences of the page are short so it‘s easier to read, avoid capitals and italics. I think navigation of the page is also pretty straight forward,more important things are kept higher of the page, so the visitors can locate things quicker.The top of the left i put the company logo, which is E4, I didn‘t add any text no more, but make ornamental background, so it make E4 look more playful and add some dynamic to the page. And also it separates the top links from a main body.I left maximum space for a content. I've tried make a balanced between content and design.

Software. Adobe Illustrator and Dreamweaver.

I've tried to use freehand at first, but somehow i didn't click with it, even after trying some lessons, so I tried illustrator and it qiock became my "good friend":)